7 Qualities of Good Neighbors

When we first moved into my neighborhood, it was just after my birthday last year. We absolutely loved the place and the area. My (now) wife and I owned our first home together, and we were so excited, but we really wanted to meet our new neighbors, we just really didn’t know how to approach them. This is because we’ve never been taught or shown neighborly love before. Then, one of our neighbors knocked on our door. He was holding a dish of homemade banana pudding and welcomed us to the neighborhood.

How to WIN over those new neighbors!

When we first moved into my neighborhood, it was just after my birthday last year. We absolutely loved the place and the area. My (now) wife and I owned our first home together, and we were so excited, but we really wanted to meet our new neighbors, we just really didn’t know how to approach them. This is because we’ve never been taught or shown neighborly love before. Then, one of our neighbors knocked on our door. He was holding a dish of homemade banana pudding and welcomed us to the neighborhood. He was a little nervous, at least we thought, and gave us the food then told us to stop by anytime. We’ve never had neighbors like that. We were literally speechless and delighted. It really set the tone for us and still love that experience from that simple gesture.

If you want good neighbors, you’ll first have to become one yourself.

James 2:8 – If you really fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well.

Review these 7 Steps to help you become that fantastic neighbor just like we have here at home.

1. Good neighbors bring food

Whether you’re new in town or haven’t kept in touch, a delivery of freshly baked goods is a perfect way to break the ice and let neighbors know that you’re thinking of them.

If cookies can keep Santa returning year after year with a bag full of loot, then surely they can train your neighbors to do your bidding. Consider the following scenario.

Acts 2:46 – And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts.

2. Good neighbors DON’T gossip

If your neighbor seems to know the dirt on everyone within a two-block radius, you can count on them to keep tabs on your personal life as well.

The next time Nosy Nellie gleefully describes the contents of the Rickenbacker’s trash again, move the conversation along by refocusing the discussion on her. “So, what are you growing in your garden this year?” And, “How are your kids doing in their new classes?”

You aren’t in high school anymore, so preserve relationships with your neighbors and avoid the gratuitous gabfests.

Proverbs 16:28 – A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.

3. Good neighbors share phone numbers

For such a connected age, you should really question why you don’t have your neighbors’ phone numbers. After all, what if they receive your package by mistake? What if the house floods while you’re on vacation? Worse yet, what if you need a babysitter?

If you feel uncomfortable bringing it up, ask during one of your cookie deliveries (you are following rule number one, right?) or right before a trip. Jot down your name, number and email address on a piece of paper and ask if your neighbor is comfortable sharing theirs.

new neighbords

4. Good neighbors help before they’re asked

The neighbor who says, “Let me know if you need anything,” probably isn’t going to help whenever you actually need something. You, on the other hand, are a good neighbor and genuinely want to help out.

To get ahead of the meaningless small talk, anticipate their needs. If they have kids and you’re comfortable babysitting, tell them up front. If they’re clearly struggling to mow the lawn during a heat wave, ask for the best time to stop by with your lawnmower.

5. Good neighbors are tidy

Even if you lack self-respect, respect the delicate tastes of others and clean up your act.

Keep the goofy lawn ornaments to a minimum. Keep trash receptacles hidden in the side yard, or better yet, the garage.

Whenever you’ve finished gardening or landscaping for the day, put away your tools and bags of unused mulch. Rake the leaves and clean up grass clippings and all the other stuff your dad used to bug you about.

And if it’s not too much trouble, pressure wash and paint your house from time to time.

6. Good neighbors mow their lawn

An unkempt and weedy lawn is embarrassing for your neighbors, so it should be embarrassing for you as well. Keeping it mowed every week or two is a good start, but it will take more than that to win the approval of the neighbors.

Trim the edge of your lawn regularly, fertilize on schedule and keep weeds to a minimum. Keep your foundation plantings simple, neatly trimmed and topped off with mulch.

If your neighborhood allows it, go the no-lawn method by planting swaths of low-maintenance, drought-tolerant ground covers. Crucially, don’t overdo it on the sprinklers — especially if it’s raining.

7. Good neighbors communicate

That ol’ “good fences make good neighbors” quote had to come up at some point, right? A good neighbor must respect boundaries. That said, they should also be crossed when the fences themselves start losing pickets and falling over in a storm.

Even if it’s technically their fence, you might not be happy with the shoddy workmanship and resentment that you’ll have to live with when they get around to fixing it themselves.

Address shared interests like fences, drainage ditches, and troublesome trees ahead of time so that you can work out a plan that both parties can agree to. (Trust me, there’s a reason you save the best step last.)

Oh, and don’t forget to bring FOOD.